Artificial intelligence and machine learningVirtually every company can benefit from AI today.
Machine learning makes AI usable
Research into artificial intelligence (AI) has been going on for decades – for a long time without any practical benefit. Only the development of “machine learning” (ML) has led to methods that have made astonishing concrete applications possible in recent years.
Today, the technology and the tools needed to put it into practice have reached a stage where every company can benefit from it.
Those who take advantage of the opportunities offered by AI at an early stage can leave the competition behind through better products and more efficient processes.
Experienced professionals make it easy for you to get started
Our experienced consultants analyse your products and business processes with you. Together with top-class computer scientists, we quickly move your company from potential analysis to the development of an AI strategy. We support you in identifying and preparing suitable data for the training of AI systems. On this basis, we implement AI prototypes and pilot projects together with your employees or in our own teams in a short time.
In addition, we accompany the necessary knowledge building and cultural change around AI in your company.
Possible applications could be:
- Cost reduction through automation and support of routine activities such as mail processing, sales control, advertising optimisation, quality assurance, accounting, route optimisation.
- Improvement of existing products through AI-supported features, e.g. image enhancement, voice control, user guidance, etc.
- New business areas; use existing data to develop and train AI systems for completely new products.
First AI applications in a short time
We identify the AI potential in your company with you and implement clearly defined application prototypes. As a result, you can make fast and uncomplicated progress with the new technology and convince customers, employees and investors with concrete results.
Give us a call for a free assessment of the potentials
Give us a call. In a free introductory discussion, we will work with you on initial approaches to how you can use AI in your company.